Wednesday, June 16, 2010



I picked this poem, because I like daffodils. They are one of my favorite flowers. At the same time I can relate to the feeling that we should protect our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In Ostrikers’ poem “Daffodils,” she states, “Don’t you think it is our business to defend it,” (lines 33-34). I am grateful for our troops, who protect us so that we can enjoy the simple things in life, like the daffodils. Too often, we take for granted our freedoms here in America. Our service men and women give up so much so that we can enjoy life without really worrying too much about our security. What do we give them in return? Not nearly enough.
Spring time brings the daffodils! I love spring, it’s a time for renewal, and this makes me happy. It’s a time when we throw out the old to make room for the new. “With their outstretched arms and ruffled cups/ blowing in the wind” (lines 3-4). “Look at this light, and color, a splash of brilliant yellow” (lines 27-28). These quotes are good descriptions that made me imagine the beautiful little daffodil. I think they do look like they dance.
We are sometimes so busy complaining. “Life is hard,” “but better than the alternatives/” are those little daffodils (lines 25-26). Yes, life is hard. But if you really think about it we are truly blessed to be living in a free country. So many people don’t have the same rights or opportunities. As bad as war is, sometimes it’s necessary. Sometimes there are good things that come as a result of war, like change and freedom for people who are less fortunate that we are. Many of those who have been oppressed are grateful for their new freedoms. It is unfortunate that people have to die for freedom, but it is the way of the world. It’s been going on for centuries. This poem just helped me to remember to be grateful for every day. We should not complain so much, we should be grateful for all that we have and the people who make it possible.

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